Business Directory
If you are a business located in Feilding - Manawatū District and you wish to UPDATE your details please email us at
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5 Goodbehere Street, Feilding
Snap Fitness
52-56 Eyre Street, Feilding
South Street West Motel
61 South Street, Feilding
Sparex Feilding
20 Fergusson Street, Feilding
Splendid Nail Salon
Stihl Shop Feilding
30 Aorangi Street, Feilding
Stockyard at the Denbigh Hotel
50 Manchester Street, Feilding
Streaks Ahead
20 Bowen Street, Feilding
Streamline Print and Mail
4 Mahinui Street, Feilding
Streetwise Feilding
66 Aorangi Street, Feilding
Sublime Scaffolding
90 Manchester Street, Feilding
Supreme Costume Hire
21 Willowbank Crescent, Feilding
Sushi House
77 Kimbolton Road, Feilding
Svendsen Photography and Framing
38a Marlborough Street, Feilding
Swimtec Feilding Ltd
277 Kimbolton Road, Feilding
Tai Chi for Health
St John Hall, Bowen Street, Feilding
375 Lethbridge Road, Feilding
Teal Couriers
342 Kimbolton Road, Feilding
Thai House Express
11 Manchester Square, Feilding
Thai Mekong Restaurant
79 Kimbolton Road, Feilding
The Blend Nutrition Studio
26 Stafford Street, Feilding
The Church Cafe - Sanson
38 Dundas Road, Sanson, Sanson
The Flower Hut
Aorangi Street, Feilding
The Herb Farm & Cafe
86 Grove Road, RD 10, Ashhurst
The Rec Room
88 Aorangi Street, Feilding
The Shed
70 Manchester Street, Feilding
The Strong Room
52 Fergusson Street, Feilding
The Tax Helper
91 Denbigh Street, Feilding
The Tech Store
82 Fergusson Street, Feilding
The Warehouse Feilding
101 Kimbolton Road, Feildling
The Woolshed Cafe & Heritage Walk
2861 Stae Highway 1, Sanson, Manawatu
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