Racheal Young is the 2024 New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography Student Photographer of the year. Racheal was at the Feilding's Rural Dayand has captured hundreds of moments in images. Browse through the photo gallery and download any images that you wish to keep - it's free!

The big day out, when the country comes to town, was held in New Zealands most beautiful town friendly Feilding on the last Friday of the school holidays. Once again our MC for the event was popular TV host, storyteller, journalist and farmer -Matt Chisholm.

RURAL DAY is an iconic annual event held in Feilding CBD that celebrates our rural heritage.
As always, the town came to a standstill for the crazy and colourful running of the Gumboot Race Relays which saw teams rushing through the street in a rural obstacle challenge.

It’s a great day for families with a lot of light-hearted fun! Manchester Square was packed with farm animals, non-stop entertainment, rides, all kinds of fun rural activities and competitions, plus, non stop entertainment.

This free public event aims to celebrate all things rural that are important to our town, district, culture and economy.

Here is the full Rural Day Programme.....

Competitions for everyone!
Rural Day is a fun day out for the whole family with loads of activities and competitions for kids, adults, and schools.
Get involved in the competitions, there are heaps of amazing prizes up for grabs!
TRC Toyota Gumboot Relay Race - Primary and Intermediate School's
The event will take place in the Feilding Town Square as part of Rural Day, FRIDAY 11th OCTOBER, Race starts at approx 1.30 pm with a compulsory briefing at 1.15pm.
- Each relay team must have 3 people (single sexed or mixed team).
- Two categories; Primary and Intermediate.
- Each team member runs approx. 100 metres completing a few obstacles and challenges along the way.
- Dress up ‘Rural’ theme. There will be a prize for the best dressed team.
- Each team member must wear a pair of gumboots. Each team member can wear their own gumboots.
- Depending on number of teams entered schools maybe limited to a 4 teams per school (tbc by Feilding & District Promotion)
- Please complete this entry form for each team you enter.
Registration is FREE but you must be registered to enter before 27 September.
Final details will be emailed out closer to the time to the email contact on this form:
TRC Toyota Gumboot Relay Race – Secondary School's
The event will take place in the Feilding Town Square as part of Rural Day, FRIDAY 11th OCTOBER, Race starts at approx 1.30 pm with a compulsory briefing at 1.15pm.
- Each relay team must have 3 people (single sexed or mixed team).
- One category; Secondary School.
- Each team member runs approx. 400 metres completing a few obstacles and challenges along the way.
- Dress up ‘Rural’ theme. There will be a prize for the best dressed team.
- Each team member must wear a pair of gumboots. Each team member can wear their own gumboots.
- Depending on number of teams entered we may have to limit numbers and this will be on a first in first serve basis.
- Please complete this entry form for each team you enter.
Registration is FREE but you must be registered to enter before 27 September.
Final details will be emailed out closer to the time to the email contact on this form:
Paper Plus Colouring competition - 7 Years and under
You can pop into the Feilding & District Informaiton Centre to pick up a copy of the ENTRY FORM for the Colouring Competition or....
Totally Vets 'Count the Pigs' around town and be into win!
COUNT THE PIGS in the Rural Day scavenger hunt in Feilding's CBD to be in the draw to win a TOTALLY VETS VOUCER. You'll find the PIGS POSTERS inside the shop or on the front window of the participating businesses.
All the participating businesses are listed on the official entry form. Simply write the number of PIGS that appear on each poster.
Download your entry form HERE!
Best Dressed Child Competition.
- To enter you must be dressed up ‘Rural’ use your imagination.
- There are two separate categories; Best dressed rural child 0 – 11 years, 12 – 18 years.
- You will be required to take part in the parade around the clock tower while the judges make their decision.
- You must be registered before the day to enter. Entries close 29th September.

Lamb & Calf Parade
This event will take place in the Feilding Town Square as part of Rural Day, Friday 11th October. Time 10.30am (tbc)
- A great opportunity to have a practice run with your pet before your school pet day.
- Prizes will be given to be best dressed lamb or calf. $50.00 for first prize and $15.00 McDonalds prize for second.
- Parking has been allocated at the old write price.
- Entrants will be required to lead their pet into the town square, around the ring on the grass quadrant for judging and then back to the write price car park.
- Pet owners are responsible for bringing water/food for their pets and removing any ‘droppings’ at the end.
- There are three categories; Primary, Intermediate and Secondary School
- Registration is FREE but you must be registered to enter before 22 September.
Sponsors & Supporters
This event is organised by Feilding & District Promotin inc but would not be possible without the generous sponsorship and support of our local businesses. A massive thank you to you all!!